Brand new factory sealed dvd is now Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being manufactured.
The story begins with seven Southern California teenagers doing a Balkan studies course in Europe, with Beverly (Mary Kohnert) particularly keen to explore her local ancestry. An opportunity arises in the form of mysterious anthropology professor Dr. Andromolek (Bo Svenson), who guides them to a woodland pagan festival that turns out to be a refuge for a Satanic cult.
Drugged and nearly killed, all but one of the kids escape with their lives and climb aboard a nearby train. Unfortunately the forces of evil are not as easily discouraged as the train itself becomes possessed by a demonic force which wipes out nearly everyone aboard and takes the kids both on and off the tracks for a hell of a ride.
This release marks the first ever widescreen version which helps immensely on a visual level as well as the fully uncut over-the-top gore which was scissored from the domestic VHS releases. The print still bears the 'Beyond the Door III' title which is bound to confuse more than one consumer out there, but rest assured, you'll never be bored for a second.