Hyper No?urak cream is intended for children and adults with:

    dry skin prone to irritation,
    eczema provoked by wool, climate, stress, infection (atopic dermatitis),
    eczema caused by contact with detergents, soaps (irritative dermatitis),
    eczema caused by contact with allergens (allergic dermatitis).

Usage: Skin affected by eczema and dry skin require a permanent and intensive supply of unsaturated fatty acids and moisture. It is necessary to apply the cream daily on problematic areas for a longer period of time (at least three months), in order to achieve results.
Do not apply to open wounds.

Dietary recommendations: During the worsening of eczema, it is recommended for babies and young children to eliminate nuts (nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts) and foods that contain them, citrus fruits (lemons, oranges) and tomatoes.