Movie Title: Stuart Little
Cast: Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, and Jonathan Lipnicki, alongside the voices of Michael J. Fox, Nathan Lane, Chazz Palminteri, Steve Zahn, Bruno Kirby, and Jennifer Tilly
Release Date: Film was released in late 1999. This poster is dated 2000 for the video release
Poster Size: Columbia Tristar Home Video one-sided promo poster measures 26.75 x 39.5. It comes carefully rolled in a shipping tube
Condition: This is an original, authentic poster created for promotional purposes. It is not a reproduction. Aside from pinholes in corners, it is in excellent condition
Comments: Stuart Little is a 1999 American family CGI animated/live-action comedy film loosely based on the 1945 novel of the same name by E. B. White. Directed by Rob Minkoff in his live-action debut, the screenplay was written by M. Night Shyamalan and Greg Brooker