Brand new factory sealed unrated dvd is Out Of Print in all formats and no longer being manufactured. Story is very similar to 'A Man Called Horse.' This landmark film combines the most harrowing reality elements of the 'Mondo' films of the day and the graphic violence of the Italian Giallo.

A photo journalist hires a guide to take him upriver in exotic Thailand. He awakens one morning to find his guide slain, and his boat surrounded by dense, cannibal infested jungle. Captured, he is put to work as a slave and proves himself to be an asset to the tribe. He bests a tribesman in battle and is subjected to torturous tests and emerges a full fledged member.

He marries the beautiful Me Me Lai, and who wouldn't after seeing her full frontal nudity scenes. His knowledge of modern medicine embarrasses the tribe's witch doctor, so a voodoo curse is placed on the married couple...

Filmed on location between Thailand and Burma, the film also contains several real authentic animal deaths.

Including a fight-to-the-death of cobra & mongoose, a cockfight, sadistic slaughter of a young, leashed crocodile and most disturbing, a live monkey's head is secured in a table where the top is lopped off and the brains eaten. You have been warned.