This was made by my husband when we lived in an old farmhouse. The kids joined him and had a lot of fun making things from stained glass. We had moved quite a few times and this piece always went with us to the new house. It was made back in 1982 or 1983.
What it is made from is an old doily that was part of my mothers stockpile with the stained glass made to size to preserve it. The measures 7 1/4 inches in diameter. The chain is also fused at the top of the glass piece. It is still in extreme awesome loose pieces of glass or chain is intact. The chain is 3 1/4 inches long when hung on the wall.
The OTHER piece is gold berry wreath. The wreath measures 16 inches in diameter. The middle opening measures 6 1/2 inches. It can be made smaller or larger if you want. The more you handle the wreath the more tiny gold balls will come off. I have always hung the two pieces together as one grouping because the doily has slid down under the glass and the wreath has taken away from that problem. It think it went well with the whole decoration piece. The wreath will have some of the balls fall off when handling but when I took it off my wall just now only two fell off. The wreath is just one long string of balls wound up to fit the stained glass measurements. Or just toss out the wreath and use one you already have. The mirror shown in the photo IS NOT FOR SALE JUST YET. I just love the way the wreath and stained glass looked hung on the mirror.
You can see from the photos just how lovely these two pieces make an wonderful wall decoration.