Too many Christian leaders act as though the Gospel is not a topic worthy of discussion. They speak on the wonders of knowing Christ, but never explain why a person needs Christ, who Christ is, and what Christ accomplished to make it possible for us to be given the gift of life with God. In Whatever Happened to the Gospel?, author Dr. David Nicholas addresses why the absence of Gospel teaching in a huge majority of modern evangelical churches is a problem and how to solve it.
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About the Author
Dr. David Nicholas planted Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida in 1967 and as pastor for 42 years, led S.R.C. to become one of the foremost church planting churches in the world. S.R.C. has planted 235 churches in the United States and other countries and was listed by Leadership Network as one of the top five church planting churches in the U.S. S.R.C. church plants include Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, Imago Dei, Portland, The Journey, St. Louis, CrossPointe, Orlando, TrinityGrace, Manhattan and Brooklyn, Naperville Presbyterian Church, I.L., Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church, F.L., and City Church, San Francisco. Dr. Nicholas attended the University of Miami, Dallas, Columbia and Westminster Theological Seminaries. Dr. Nicholas founded The Church Planting Network in 2009 and continues to plant churches. He also conducts Gospel Boot Camps for the purpose of training church planters and pastors in the preaching of the Bad News/Good News.