114 page softcover in good condition.
This is a great book for those interested in Sigmund Freud's less well-known area of expertise and is a good segue into his analysis of dreams.
Freud presents some worthy (if somewhat outdated) points about the attributes of cocaine, and the chronological style of the book works to display how his views developed over time. This change is presented nicely in the form of short essays, letters and excerpts from his writing across the years, which can be dipped into as they each stand well on their own.
My favorite aspects are the use of Freud's personal letters which give a more human perspective of the man and how the drug affected his life, giving the reader a chance to relax amongst the more technically worded essays. Another great part is the inclusion of one of his dream analysis' which makes a useful introduction for amateurs like myself into his psychoanalytic work.
One small complaint is that it is a short book, offering more of the story of his developing relationship with the drug, and not his entire works on the matter, but then again what is included is well chosen and incapsulates his arguments and opinions well.