CALsBookInn's profile picture

CALsBookInn Top seller icon 24x30

  • joined 02/14/09
  • active 12/28/24

About Me

I'm a Bonanzler and I'm excited to be here!

My Booth

CALsBookInn doesn't have any items in their booth!

My Endorsements (2)

DDsLoveScents says: March 14, 2011

This Woman is a Super Nice Woman and I want to Say Thank you so much! A Very Special Friend not to Mention an Asset to bonanza! Highly Recommended to Everyone. Many Blessings Always

stationerybyjudy says: May 15, 2009

Great Customer to work with and super seller..Always welcome this customer and feel safe to buy from Cal’s Bookinn. She is great. Hugs! Judy